An invoice is a time-stamped commercial document that itemizes and records a transaction between a buyer and a seller.
Because Invoices track the sale of a product for inventory control, accounting and tax purposes, many companies
ship the product and expect payment on a later date, so the total amount due becomes an account receivable
transaction and will show up on the General Ledger as well as Balance Sheet until payment is received.
In Symbient Opta, the Invoice is "the Bill" sent from your company to a Customer to clearly document the goods
or services you provided, how much they must pay and the terms of payment (ie: when). When you receive payment
from the Customer for an Invoice, you can use Symbient Opta's Receive Payment to capture the payment.
You will also be able to set the Income Account which will get the credit for the sale and will be used to show
Profit/Loss information.
An Invoice is required in order to be able to Receive Payment in Symbient Opta.
Log into Symbient Opta and click on the menu options: Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Invoices.
You will now see a list of any existing Invoices along with the Add button.
Click the Add button to create a new Invoice.
When the Create Customer Invoice entry screen opens, fill in all the required information along with
options information and click the Save button.
Note: * Field is pre populated when Invoice is Created from Customer Order.
Required Fields
Company - This is your company and is auto populated by default.
Customer - * This is the person or company you are selling products or services.
Accounts Receivable Account -
Income Account - This is the Income Account that will receive the credit for the sale of the items on this invoice.
Invoice Number- This is a system generated number that uniquely identifies this invoice.
Subject - This is a free form entry field to give a short description of the Invoice.
*This will default to Invoice for CO # (information from Customer's Order Number field, when Created from Customer Order.
Details - This is a free form entry field that allows you to capture any information relevant to this Invoice.
Invoice Creation Date - This is the date the Invoice is created.
Optional Fields
Parent Invoice - (See Repeating Invoices)
Billing Address - If the billing address is different then the Customer's address entered in the CRM,
you can enter a new address for the Customer. It will only be saved with this Invoice.
Invoice Due Date - This is the date the Payment is due from the Customer.
Invoice Paid / Payment Date - This date will be captured once a Received Payment is done.
Discount Percent (%) - This is the % discount you want to apply to all the Items on the Invoice.
Discount Amount ($) - This is the total amount discounted for all the Items on the Invoice.
Tax (%) - This is the total Tax % to be applied to the entire Invoice. (For Default Tax Amount See Also:
Setup & Configuration).
Tax Amount ($) - This is the total Tax dollar amount applied to the entire order.
Protected/Read Only Fields
Total Amount - This is the total of all products and services entered on the Items tab.
Special Fields
Invoice is void - If this box is checked, this Invoice is considered void and the total should not show
up in any accounting accounts (ie Income or Accounts Receivable).
Once you have successfully saved your Invoice, you are now ready to add Items to your Customer.
Once you have successfully saved your Invoice, you can add Notes and Attachments.
If the Invoice is set up as a Repeating Invoice (See Also: Set up Repeating Invoices), there is a History
tab on the Parent Invoice that shows all the repeating invoices that are created.
History tab shows (See field definition above unless otherwise stated)
Child Invoice # - This is a system generated number that uniquely identifies this invoice
Subject - Subject matches Parent with "- date of Invoice" added
Transaction Date - Date the repeating child invoice is created