Symbient Opta User Documentation
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How to Setup & Configure Symbient Opta

Prerequisites: None Alternatives: None See Also: None

Here the user can manage General, Accounting, Products, Services & Inventory features and lists used throughout Symbient Opta. All entries are from dropdowns or direct data entry.

There are three sections:

  1. The General section:
    1. Company(Required)
      1. Allows you to choose which company (If you have multiple companies) you wish to make these changes for.
    2. Request Type List (Optional)
      1. lets you select the default values available when your customers or users request things from your company.
      2. You can manage this list at Admin > List Manager.
  2. The Accounting section:
    1. Tax Rate(%)
      1. Allows you to enter a default tax rate that is used in all accounting transactions in Symbient Opta.
    2. Billing Period(Days) (Required)
      1. Allows you to enter the number of days when notification will be sent to the customers before invoices are due.
    3. Billing Grace Period(Days) (Required)
      1. Allows you to enter the default number of days when notifications are sent to customers after invoices are past due.
  3. The Products, Services and Inventory section:
    1. Product Status List
      1. Allows you to specify the default list of values available for selection by product statuses
    2. Service Status List
      1. Allows you to specify the default list of values available for selection by service statuses
    3. Inventory Status List
      1. Allows you to specify the default list of values available for selection by Inventory statuses
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