Symbient Opta User Documentation
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How to Create User Roles

Prerequisites: User Roles
Alternatives: None See Also: User Roles
Modify Roles
Delete Roles
Predefined Roles

  1. Access the Roles screen from the Main Menu via expanding the Admin section and click on User Roles.
  2. To add new roles click on the Add button.
  3. This will bring up the Add/Edit Role screen.
  4. Add a "Name" (Required) and a Description (Optional).
  5. To activate the Role click on the "IsActive" then click on the Menus tabs.
  6. This will bring up the Add/Edit Role Menus Tab.
  7. On the Add/Edit Role Menu Tab is a list of every major functionality in Symbient Opta.
    1. These are listed under the "Name" heading and what area they are a part of under the "Parent" heading.
    2. Next is a heading labeled "Access" under this is a dropdown list that allows Admin level users the ability to change the level of access for the functionality listed under the "Name" header.
  8. The Access levels are:
    1. None
  9. By setting each of these "Named" functionalities to the appropriate level you can craft new Roles with specific permissions for different personnel in your company.
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