Symbient Opta User Documentation
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How to Manage My Company

Prerequisites: None Alternatives: None See Also: None

The "My Company" screen is where essential information about your company is entered.

Information like company Name(required) , e-mail address, physical address, phone number and the accounting type of the company are entered on the 'General' tab.

You will notice at the top of the screen there is also a 'Contacts' Tab (A listing of your companies contacts), Employees Tab (A place to add and manage employees including user access to Symbient Opta), Payments Tab(The payment portal for Symbient Opta), and the Notes Tab(A place to keep notes in chronological order).

Symbient Opta uses this convention of a main screen and tabs when there are different types or classes of data that are associated with a functional area. Here within My Company we focus on the general aspects of your comapny. Also remember to add Tags/Keywords about your business that can be used later within Symbient Opta. If you have a logo in png, jpg, jpeg, or gif remember to upload it to the logo section of My Company.

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