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How to Add Items to Quotes

Prerequisites: Quotes
Alternatives: None See Also: Delete Quotes
Search Quotes

A Quote may be for multiple items (goods or services) and each item needs to be entered separately on the Quote. Items are entered using the Items tab and allow you the ability to capture each item, quantity, price and any sale price. All the total of all the items is captured and shown on both the Items tab as well as on the Details tab.

  1. After successfully saving the Quote, click on the Items tab.
  2. Click the Add Item button.
  3. Select the Product or Service from the drop list that you want to add to the Customer Order. If the Product or Service isn't found in the drop list, you will need to have it added to the Products/Services available to sell (Add Products/Services - need to add this section).
  4. Once you have selected the Product or Service, you can enter.
    1. Qty
    2. Sale Price - This defaults to the sale price of the item but can be changed.
    3. Protected Fields
      1. Original Price - comes from the price of product or service
      2. Amount - Calculated field (Qty * Sale Price)
    4. Optional Fields
      1. Optional Notes - Any notes per line item.
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